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Review: Out of control by Sarah Alderson

When 17 year old Liva witnesses a brutal murder she’s taken into police custody for her own protection. But when the police station is attacked and bullets start flying it becomes clear that Liva is not just a witness, she’s a target.

Together with a car thief called Jay, Liva manages to escape the massacre but now the two of them are alone in New York, trying to outrun and outwit two killers who will stop at nothing to find them.

When you live on the edge, there’s a long way to fall.

My thoughts

A quick review today 

I have quite mixed feelings about this book. It was incredibly fast paced and engaging throughout. I kept reading because it was exciting and I needed to know what was going to happen next. The boy in this book is hot and the chemistry between the two is steamy which made for a very interesting read indeed.

However despite these things I just couldn't help but think with every page how unrealistic and far fetched it was hence why it was only a 3 star read for me. The whole concept of the book and the story was just too much for a YA book and there was nothing about it where I could suspend disbelief enough to really believe in it as a story.
