I'm Dan Hope and deep inside my head I keep a list of things I want to come true.
For example, I want my sister, Ninja Grace, to go to university at the North Pole and only come back once a year.
I want to help Sherlock Holmes solve his most daring mystery yet. And if it could be a zombie mystery, all the more exciting.
I want to be the first eleven-year-old to land on the moon.
I want my dog to stop eating the planets and throwing them up on the carpet.
And finally, the biggest dream of all, I want my dad to love me.
A Boy Called Hope is a brave, bold and funny debut about family in all its shapes and sizes
My thoughts
A really sweet read which I thoroughly enjoyed. A boy called Hope will make you laugh out loud and shed a tear as you follow Dan's adventures to make the items on his wishlist come true.
I loved several things about this book. The first and most immediate thing I loved about this book was Dan Hope a eleven year old boy with loads of hope and dreams. He is has that innocence of a boy before he turns into a teenager and I loved his outlook on life, his positive attitude on the worst of situations and following him as he discovered more about the world and grows up that little bit more.
I loved what this book had to say about families, however dysfunctional, and the role they have to play whether you like it or not in your life. I particularly loved the relationship between Dan and his mother's boyfriend and how it showed that you don't have to be blood related to be a family and it is the things you do that matter in the end.
The story itself is a brilliant mix of funny especially when Dan's weak stomached dog is in the picture and sad as you see him start to realise that some of the items on his wishlist are unobtainable and see him come to terms with that realisation.
All in all a boy I thoroughly enjoyed and would highly recommend.
You'll love this if you loved Wonder by RJ Palacio