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Bookcase Showcase: Blogger Sally from Always Lost in Stories

Hi there! My name is Sally and I'm the blogger behind Always Lost in Stories. Welcome to my bookshelf tour!
I would love to have a large library of books but unfortunately I can't afford to buy many books. I borrow around 80% of the books I read from the local public library. As a general rule, if the book has been published in the UK I can order it from the library, which means that most of the books I own are either favourites that I have bought, or American hardbacks. But I have a hard time getting rid of my books. Once I get a book I hoard it forever!

Always Lost in Stories

This is the bookshelf between the living room and the kitchen. I don't have any real order to my bookshelves- it's mostly shelved in the order I get them, but I always keep books in a series together.

Coffee table. These are all my bargains from The Works. Shamefully I have only read Soulless out of all this lot.

I used to have dining table to eat at. Now it's piled up with mountains of books! These ones are mainly ex-library books or second- hand charity shop/ jumble sale bargains. 

Once I ran out of shelf space I started lining books up the stairs. This was only supposed to be a temporary situation until I figured out what to do with them- but I kind of like my bookcase staircase!

In the bedroom I've got my old shelf with a bunch of older reads on. On the top shelf is old books, the bookshelf underneath contains all my classics and old university textbooks. 

This is a newer bookshelf. Apart from the Harry Potter books (with their gorgeous display bookends) these are mainly my more recent books, so I haven't read a lot of these yet. Because I borrow so many library books, and now get so many ebooks for review, I never get a chance to read books that I own
I also have around 2-300 books on my kindle.


Mel said…
Wow, so many books Sally! I love your staircase of books - such a 'novel' way of storing books! :-) I also have a load of books from The Works I haven't read either!
That's a lot of books! And I spied loads of my favourites amongst your collection! (Blood Red Road, Angel, Perfect Chemistry, Harry name but a few)
I love how you've managed to find such quirky ways and places to store all your books - I'm totally LOVING that bookcase staircase! :)
Unknown said…
LOVING the book staircase
Anonymous said…
I love the staircase ^_^