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In my mailbox (70)

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After the Snow by SD Crocket (UK Proof)
This one looks really interesting
Sektion 2.0 by Paul Dowsell (UK paperback)
Thanks Carly
Vixen by Jillian Larkin (UK paperback)
The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater (signed UK paperback)
Thank you Sarah
Fated by Sarah Alderson (UK paperback)]
I am so excited about this one
Smoulder by Brenna Yovanoff (UK paperback)
Another one that looks awesome
The Hunt by Andrew Fukuda (UK paperback)
very very excited about this one
Someone Else's life by Katie Dale (UK paperback)
Read in one sitting and loved it!!


Katja Weinert said…
Seen a different cover for The Hunt, it sounds super creepy! Love it when a book's good enough to read in one sitting.

Happy reading :)

YA's the Word
Julie Goucher said…
The Katie Dale book looks great, not released until Feb 2012 in the UK
serendipity_viv said…
After the Snow has a distinct Patrick Ness feel about it.
Anonymous said…
Ooh I got The Scorpio Races too this week. I don't think I've heard of any of the others, but I'll be looking into Smoulder - that cover has grabbed me!
LillyReader said…
They always say "Don't judge a book by it's cover", but how can you not? The covers of these books are so pretty it makes me want them!! I hope you enjoy them all :)
Jesse Owen said…
Ooh! A signed copy of The Scorpio Races :D

I haven't heard of the others but I hope you enjoy them all, Happy Reading :D
Unknown said…
I LOVE that cover of The Scorpio Races!! I wish I had that one!
Unknown said…
The Hunt looks interesting. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. Enjoy!

Oooh! You got a good haul this week!! I am slightly jealous of your loot! Hehe.

Hope you enjoy reading them all!!

Here's what I got In My Mailbox this week!

Ooh, Fated and Someone Else's Life! What great books you have :) Happy reading!
Daydreamer said…
The Scorpio Races looks sooooo good!