I wanted to do a brief post to sum up all the books I have started this year but didn't review because I didn't finished them ...
Destined by PC Cast
I finally claimed my reading life back and gave up on this series. I hate the characters. I hate the made up non-swear words, I hate the pop culture references, the gay reference (because they are so stereotypical and I reckon actually quite offensive rather than the enlighten the Casts are going for)
Angelfire by Courtney Allison Moulton
I wanted to love this beautiful book because it looks so pretty on my shelf. In reality it was so bad I wanted to cry. A clear buffy rip off
The Last days by Scott Westerfeld
I love Scott Westerfeld but I couldn't just get into it.... I'm hoping to give it another go at some point.
Mist by Kathryn James
A bit too fairyesque for my liking even though it was written beautifully.
Plain Kate by Erin Bow
Another case of me and fairy books not getting on
Misfit by Jon Skovron
I couldn't deal with the first person narrative in this one. It drove me crazy after page 3
The Scorpio races by Maggie Stiefvater
I really wanted to love this one and hoping to have another go at it at some point.
August by Bernard Beckett
I really struggled to get into this as it felt more adult than young adult and I found I got bored.
Dreaming Anatasia by Joy Preble
The Russian Historian in me wanted to love this one. Unfortunately I just didn't click with the main character

Torment by Lauren Kate
Got bored. Gave up easily. Hoping Hadley will read and review it for me as he loved the first book.
David by Mary Hoffman
This one felt too much like work so I got bored and gave up
Flawless by Lara Chapman
Another one where I really didn't care about the main character so lost interest quickly

Liar by Justine Larbelestier
I actually hated the main character in this. I wanted to stab her with sharp sticks
Invincible by Sherilynn Kenyon
I was just utterly confused and I think I needed to read her adult series to get it as my friend who is a uge fan of her took it from me and loved it
Montacute House by Lucy Jago
Another one that felt too much like hard work so I got bored

I finally claimed my reading life back and gave up on this series. I hate the characters. I hate the made up non-swear words, I hate the pop culture references, the gay reference (because they are so stereotypical and I reckon actually quite offensive rather than the enlighten the Casts are going for)

I wanted to love this beautiful book because it looks so pretty on my shelf. In reality it was so bad I wanted to cry. A clear buffy rip off

I love Scott Westerfeld but I couldn't just get into it.... I'm hoping to give it another go at some point.

A bit too fairyesque for my liking even though it was written beautifully.

Another case of me and fairy books not getting on

I couldn't deal with the first person narrative in this one. It drove me crazy after page 3

I really wanted to love this one and hoping to have another go at it at some point.

I really struggled to get into this as it felt more adult than young adult and I found I got bored.

The Russian Historian in me wanted to love this one. Unfortunately I just didn't click with the main character

Torment by Lauren Kate
Got bored. Gave up easily. Hoping Hadley will read and review it for me as he loved the first book.

This one felt too much like work so I got bored and gave up

Another one where I really didn't care about the main character so lost interest quickly

Liar by Justine Larbelestier
I actually hated the main character in this. I wanted to stab her with sharp sticks

I was just utterly confused and I think I needed to read her adult series to get it as my friend who is a uge fan of her took it from me and loved it

Another one that felt too much like hard work so I got bored
I also loved Mist and The Scorpio Races and enjoyed some of the others.
Here's hoping 2012 has fewer DNFs for you?