Now that Vampire Academy is done with I thought I'd come up with some ideas with things I'd recommend you could read next

Other Richelle Mead Books
I personally haven't read any other Richelle Mead books but I am going to after how impressed I have been with Vampire Academy. She has said that she will be doing more books in The Vampire Academy World which I am looking forwrad to muchly Another series I have heard good things about (from my husband actually) is her Georgina Kincaid series the first one is called Succubus Blues . I think it is more adult than Young Adult but he has said how good it is and has been trying to hunt down the rest of the books in the series to read.
Other Razorbill Books
Razorbill have had some awesome titles pop up on their website over the past few months. I have loved everything I have read from the imprint. I would recommend
Matched by Ally Condie
Bright Young Things by Anna Godbersen
I am number four by Pittacus Lore
Other Vampire Books
Razorbill are republishing The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod by Heather Brewer- I have just read the first one (Eight Grade Bites) and it was awesome.
Of course if you are talking Vampires and haven't done so (although I would be stunned if you haven't) The Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer is awesome and worth all the hype surrounding it.
Finally I haven't read them yet but I am told The Morganville Vampires series by Rachel Caine is awesome

Other Richelle Mead Books
I personally haven't read any other Richelle Mead books but I am going to after how impressed I have been with Vampire Academy. She has said that she will be doing more books in The Vampire Academy World which I am looking forwrad to muchly Another series I have heard good things about (from my husband actually) is her Georgina Kincaid series the first one is called Succubus Blues . I think it is more adult than Young Adult but he has said how good it is and has been trying to hunt down the rest of the books in the series to read.

Razorbill have had some awesome titles pop up on their website over the past few months. I have loved everything I have read from the imprint. I would recommend
Matched by Ally Condie
Bright Young Things by Anna Godbersen
I am number four by Pittacus Lore

Razorbill are republishing The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod by Heather Brewer- I have just read the first one (Eight Grade Bites) and it was awesome.
Of course if you are talking Vampires and haven't done so (although I would be stunned if you haven't) The Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer is awesome and worth all the hype surrounding it.
Finally I haven't read them yet but I am told The Morganville Vampires series by Rachel Caine is awesome
i just saw your blog while browsing for Last Sacrifice book review and im a new follower!